Some of the inquiries which I have received require MLM software with all features MLM software but with a low budget?! 😯
Before I start a conversation with any of the inquiries, I simply ask 3 questions,
MLM Software Price
- Can I get your complete requirements?
- What\’s your budget?
- When will we start this project?
Of course, whenever we ask about budget directly to the customers, they usually told some low figures only. But unfortunately, they don\’t know whether it\’s for the software for their business, their growth, or their future.

Actually, our hourly cost is $20, which is universally standard for PHP programming skills. After analyzing their project specifications completely, I give them a quote on how many hours it needs to complete.
For example, if a complex party plan needs 300 working hours, it will cost around $6000. But the client\’s budget is around $2000!! 🙄 What can we do now in this situation? – whenever we gave our estimated cost they simply told us that they already contacted one developer and they gave just $500 for this project and blah blah blah…
then I simply told the customer \’sorry sir, we can\’t do underpaid projects\’. so the conversation will end. They will go to the cheap provider and signup for their product. A very a few months later, they will again come to me and ask for the quote for the same project 😐 Why?! – Because their previous cheapest cost developer couldn\’t fulfill their needs as the business model needs. So the client wasted his money, time, and all their customer\’s trust.
When they came to us, We start the development from scratch and develop their application from our end. They start doing their business in an effective way this time.
Startup Entrepreneurs should realize that the software is not an expense, its a basic essential requirement for the business. The hassle-free MLM software should be your most important partner in the MLM business.
Now you can answer this, you want which product for your business?
Low-Cost Cheap Product? Affordable Cost Best Product?
The choice is yours…. 🙂